Washburn County - Maps 2 & 3
Washburn County is home to approximately 45 of the nearly 100 miles of the Namekagon River. With nearly half of the Namekagon flowing through Washburn County, it's no wonder why the area is a popular stop for folks visiting this little known national park. The Washburn County stretch of river begins between Hayward Landing and West River Landing and continues through Trego to Fritz Landing.
Washburn County offers five outfitters, over 30 river-access campsites, and several resorts & campgrounds along the river.
While in the area, stop into the Washburn County Visitor Center for:
- Namekagon River trip planning assistance
- Birding Backpack Rentals
- Junior Ranger information
- Namekagon River maps, paddling guides, angler guides & more
- Lodging, Dining & Attraction information

Washburn County Outfitters:
W2108 Larson Road | Springbrook, WI 54875 | 715-766-2277
Trip Locations: Namekagon Dam Landing to Trego
Services: Canoe, kayak and tube rentals. Shuttle service for non-rentals
N7550 Canfield Dr. | Trego, WI 54888 | 715-635-3300 or 715-635-3211
Trip Locations: Namekagon River
Services: Canoe, kayak, paddleboard and tube rentals. Shuttle service for non-renters.
N7470 Log Cabin Dr. | Trego, WI 54888 | 715-635-2959 or 1-877-867-6757
Trip Locations: Namekagon River
Services: Canoe, kayak and tube rentals. Shuttle service for non-renters.
Minong, WI, US 54859 | 1-715-520-3977
Trip Locations: County Road K Landing to Riverside Landing
Services: Canoe, kayak and tube rentals. Shuttle service for non-renters.
Washburn County River Lodging:
W2108 Larson Rd | Springbrook, WI 54875
715-766-2277 | campnamekagon.com
Offers 4 cabins and 34 campsites with electric, sewer & water. River shuttle services and rentals. Restaurant & Bar on site.
Jack's Canoe & Tube Rental & Campground
W7504 Wagon Bridge Rd. | Trego, WI 54888
715-635-3300 | jackscanoerental.com
Offers 15 campsites with fire pits. River shuttle services and rentals. Ice cream shop on site.
N7470 Log Cabin Dr. | Trego, WI 54888
715-635-2959 | logcabin-resort.com
Offers 8 log cabins, 3 sleeping cabins with lofts, 25 campsites with water & electric. River shuttle services and rentals. Splash & Play Inflatable Park on site.
N8347 Bay Park Rd | Trego, WI 54888
715-635-2840 | bayparkresort.com
Offers 5 cabins and seasonal campsites. Located on the Trego Flowage. Boat rental included with cabin rental.
N8760 River Rd. | Trego, WI 54888
715-635-2027 | washburncounty.org
Offers a 24 foot diameter yurt made of canvas over a wood lattice framework. This four season dwelling is heated with a wood fireplace, with outdoor privy and electric lights. Sauna and massage services on site.
W5665 Trego Park Rd. | Trego, WI 54888
715-635-6074 | washburncounty.org
Offers 30 campsites with electric & water. Covered picnic areas and pavilion on site.
WI Great Northern Bed & Breakfast Train
N6639 Dilly Lake Rd. | Trego, WI 54888
715-635-3200 | spoonertrainride.com
Private accommodations on a 1950's vintage sleeping car. This overnight trip boards at 5 p.m. and concludes the next morning at 10 a.m. Enjoy an evening full of dining and entertainment.
Area Information & Partners:
Washburn County Visitor Center
122 N. River Street | Spooner, WI 54801
715-635-9696 | washburncounty.org
Full service visitor center. Namekagon River maps, Namekagon River trip planning assistance, birding backpack rentals, Junior Ranger information, Lodging, Dining & Attraction information
Minong Area Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 302 | Minong, WI 54859
715-466-1017| minongchamber.com
Chamber of commerce providing online information on area businesses in the Minong and surrounding area.
Spooner Area Chamber of Commerce
122 N. River Street | Spooner, WI 54801
715-635-2168 | spoonerchamber.org
Chamber of commerce providing online information on area businesses in the Spooner and surrounding area.