Springtime on the Namekagon

We made it! It is finally springtime on the Namekagon. As the ice begins to thaw and the grass turns back to its vibrant shade of green – people are starting to get outside more and more.
However, this year springtime is looking a little different across the nation though, doesn’t it? In the midst of all of COVID-19, we wanted to give you all some family friend activities that you can do along the trails of the Namekagon – or even from the comfort of your own backyard.
It’s Time to Grab Your Binoculars!
Birding in Wisconsin is a longtime tradition and a great way to pass the time while safely practicing social distancing. As the ice thaws, many different types of migrating waterfowl birds begin to return to the Northwoods, as well as the iconic bald eagle. The best part is that all you need is a pair of binoculars and a spark of curiosity!
Step 1)
Print out your Birding Checklist so you have a list of birds to be on the lookout for!
Step 2)
Gather your materials! You’ll need a pair of binoculars and a notebook so you can write down the characteristics of the different birds you encounter. There are many different birding books and apps that you can download and/or purchase to help you ID and log the different birds that you find.
Step 3)
Get familiar with the common birds in your area. Once you learn how to recognize the looks and sounds of the birds you come in contact with every day, you’ll better be able to recognize when something unusual comes your way.
Step 4)
Be patient! It is going to take a while to learn the different characteristics of birds, but that is okay! It also might take a while to spot a bird once you begin walking the trails of the Namekagon. You can also choose to sit in one spot that birds are known to visit, frequently. Some birds blend in with their environment so it is important to keep your eyes open and be patient.
Step 5)
Respect your environment and nature. Always leave the trails as clean – if not cleaner – than they were before you leave. Don’t disturb a bird’s nest, their eggs, or the bird itself. You are simply there to observe and appreciate the beauty of nature.
For more tips on birding in Northwest Wisconsin click HERE. Birding is a great way to get outdoors in the springtime without breaking the current rules of social distancing. Be sure to wash your hands before/after you head to the trails; and if possible, shower when you get home. Take pictures of the birds you encounter and be sure to share them with us! We love seeing the different birds and wildlife that our visitor’s spot!